Rare Facts on the Cold and Flu Season
Well, here we are at another “Cold & Flu Season”.
I want to make my readers aware of a few rarely mentioned facts .
- Did you know that cold temperatures actually slow the expansion of bacteria & viruses in the environment! In fact, studies show that keeping your home at cooler temperatures such as 65 – 68 degrees F, is actually a safer environment when it comes to spreading colds and flu’s.
- Did you know that 50 % of the people that get a flu shot still get the flu! As well as 50 % of the people who don’t get the flu shot still get the flu! So, with those stats, what’s the point??
- Did you know that just 2 teaspoons of processed sugar can compromise your immune system by 50 % {And by the way, there are 6 to 9 heaping teaspoons of sugar in every can of standard soda! Wow!
- Did you know the average person consumes 150 – 160 lbs of processed sugar per year. {If this is the case. How much sugar do you suppose the average persons consumes during the “Cold & Flu Season”, another name for that would be “The Holidays“ During which most probably consume at least double ! } That leads me to:
”Don’t check your brain at the door“. Put this info together and it spells “Weaker Immunity / More Colds & Flu’s “!! Think about it? In late October what starts up? Halloween brings Sugar, more white flour, alcohol as well as less rest & less sunshine {less vitamin D}. These all compromise the immune system! Then we hit Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day as well as left overs! Which is all more of the same. Yikes! God forbid we should have a birthday in the midst of all of this immune destruction! Aaaaahhhh!! What’s a “Body“ to do ??
Well, it can only do what its capable of which is NOT much when bombarded with all this immune stress. Actually, these invaders we call germs & flu bugs don’t stand much of a chance against a STONG VIBRANT immune system. I have tested this philosophy in my own life & with my clients. The results? Almost 100 % success rate. To the point that those who guard there eating habits and consumption of sugar, white flour & alcohol to name a few. Have NO cold and flu season. Keep in mind however, this information would not be highly popular with those who make money on flu shots . Please view the 59 reasons sugar destroys your health list included in this blog.
Best of health.
Phil Harris Bth MA Mdiv ND