Meet Dr. Phil Harris Bth MA Mdiv ND
Dr Phil Harris was born and raised in Anderson, Indiana and is no stranger to emotional pain and loss. His father died at the age of 42 of a heart attack that he now knows was preventable. His mother never remarried and due her struggles financially as well as health concerns, Phil spent two years of his childhood in a children’s home. Through the years of shifting, moving, and anguish, there was born a desire to help himself and others.
Dr Phil has a Bachelors in Biblical Theology and a double Masters (MA and Mdiv) with an emphasis in Temperament Therapy as well as Nutrition and Mental Health. He holds certificates in biofeedback from (Academy of Wellness in Canada), Functional Nutritional Assessment (Society of Wellness, Dr Jen Franco), Nutrition Response Testing (Ulan Systems), Doctor of Naturopathy (College of Natural Health of Tulsa, OK),
Dr Phil also has 120 additional hours of study in Drugless Therapies certified by Texas Chiropractic College. He has mentored under wellness masters Such as: Dr Joel Robbins DC ND, Founder of Robbins Natural Health of Tulsa, OK, an author of several books and was selected to teach USA Fighter Pilots on maintaining alertness and longevity while in flight without drugs. Dr George Grant PhD IMD M.Sc M.Ed, Author of 13 books President of Academy of Wellness, Top Integrative Health authority in all of Canada .
Dr Phil is also a professional musician and minister who enjoys table tennis, basketball, art and music. He is still known for his ability to play the daylights out of the guitar.
Dr Phil’s Credentials
- Bachelors in Biblical theology – Christian Life School of Theology, Columbus, GA
- Master of Arts Christian Counseling – Logos Graduate School, Jacksonville, FL
- Master of Divinity with emphasis in Christian Psychology and temperament therapy – Logos Graduate School, Jacksonville, FL
- Doctor of Naturopathy – College of Natural Health, Tulsa, OK
- Certified in Biofeedback, Training directly with Dr George Grant, known as the top authority and ambassador of wellness in all of Canada. CEO and Founder of International Academy of Wellness, Richmond Hill, ON
- Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor with National Christian Counselors Association
- Over 120 additional certified hours in drugless therapies
- Certificates of completion in nutritional response testing and functional nutritional assessment.
- Spent 3 years as director of metabolics at one of the top 5 wellness centers in the country.
- 30 plus years of experience and study in wellness, prevention, and rejuvenation.
- Published author, radio and talk show guest. He has been heard by thousands across the country.
- Published articles in science and medical journals as well as a peer reviewer of published studies.