Welcome to Life Fix Now


This is where you will learn about the Great Law of Deposit and Withdrawal. Our products and services are effective because of this law, which was written into the Universe by God Almighty.


Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived, God is not mocked for whatsoever any man sows (deposits), that will he also reap (withdrawal on).



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"Dr Phil Harris is the most knowledgeable person I have ever met regarding nutrition and solving health problems."

John C. – Client and graduate of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

"After just 9 days of specific nutritional supplements my knee joints have no pain allowing me to jog on the treadmill for 20 min. I highly suggest getting real health truth from Dr Phil Harris. It will change your life. "

“Dr. Phil is a caring , creative & multitalented scientist . He loves research and helps his clients achieve total wellness."

Dr George Grant PhD IMD M.Sc M.Ed { Hons.} C.Chem. Author and President of International Academy of Wellness .

“ After 4 months working with Dr Phil my blood work is better than it has been in 20 years! “

Dr Thomas V Jacques DC , 31 years in chiropractic and preventive therapies specialist.

"Dr. Phil Harris has a real gift for natural healing."

Dr. Joel Robbins DC ND, Author and founder of Robbins Natural Health.

After hearing Dr. Phil speak at a wellness seminar: “This should have been at Lucas Oil Stadium!“

Neil McGuffog – Yoga instructor and founder of AT THE CORE


Greek – Pneuma

Hebrew – Ruach

Both have similar meanings: Breath, Wind, Spirit. Genesis 2:7 “The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”.

This is the eternal part of man.



Greek – Psuche – Psyche

Hebrew – Nephesh

“Measurable Life” Proverbs 4:23 “Guard your heart {command center of the soul} with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life”.

This is the mind, will, and emotions of man.


Greek – Somah / Sarx

Hebrew – Basar

These both have the implication of the “Flesh part of man”. Genesis 3:19 “From dust you were made, and to dust you shall return.

This is the perishable part of man.


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